Massarat project

His Eminence, Bishop Mor Boutros Kassis, Archbishop of Aleppo and its dependencies, and the General Manager of St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee (EPDC), inaugurates the Syrian Psychiatric Association (SPA) workshop Within the Masarat Mental Health project.
In the presence of His Eminence, Bishop Mor Boutros Kassis, a workshop of the Association of Psychiatrists was inaugurated to discuss areas of cooperation for the Masarat project aimed at promoting mental health in Syria. The workshop is implemented by EPDC in cooperation with the Syrian Society for Social Development SSSD, and it is held at the Damarose Hotel in Damascus on July 13-14, in the presence and participation of many active and influential specialists in the field of mental health from various governorates.
The workshop was held in the presence of Mr. Roy Mousalli, Executive Director of EPDC, along with an administrative team from EPDC and SSSD.
His Eminence stressed the importance of this type of project which is concerned with mental health after the increasing needs of various groups in our society, especially after the painful years of war, which require proper intervention and the provision of treatment and psychological support services to reach recovery, empowerment, and transition to a more balanced and stable stage, in addition to the relief and development projects implemented by EPDC 12 years ago to date to serve our people.