Art exhibition & Syriac heritage in16 Days of Activism campaign against GBV

Creative designs and Syriac heritage marked the conclusion of the 16 Days of Activism campaign against GBV, implemented by St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee (EPDC), in collaboration with the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA).
It took place at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus, showcasing an art exhibition featuring 50 creative poster designs by a group of students from the Graphic Design and Multimedia Department. The posters conveyed creative ideas opposing GBV and shed light on various social issues.
The exhibition was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dr. Fouad Dahdouh, and Mr. Hisham Saad, the Executive Director of EPDC, along with Dr. Ahmed Yazji, the Head of the Graphic Design Department, Dr. Sawsan Al-Zoubi, the supervisor of the students, and Ms. Eileen Faddoul, the Director of Protection and Education Programs. There were also several professors from the faculty and a team from EPDC, as well as a large number of students.
Singer Sanaa Barkat performed traditional Syriac songs during the event, and the most outstanding works were honored with the annual EPDC Community Arts Award.