Recreational events and activities at the end of protection project in Aleppo.

“My grandchildren became orphans after they lost their parents in the earthquake on February 6 last year. Thank you for standing by them, supporting them, and putting a smile on their faces again.”

Thus, one of the women expressed her grandchildren’s joy at what was provided to them through the protection project implemented by EPDC in the city of Aleppo as one of the projects to support those affected by the earthquake.

The project concluded with activities that lasted for two days, full of fun, useful and entertaining activities, which included singing and dancing in which the children participated, in addition to video presentations, motivational films, and competitions to increase the children’s enthusiasm and enhance their intellectual skills. Gifts were distributed to everyone, and the children’s faces were colored with the most beautiful drawings.

The parents of one of the children expressed their children’s joy in these activities, saying: “They came back from activities full of enthusiasm and activism and their words about what they learned from the project stemmed from the heart.”